Using MAX to track growth

Why accurately understanding growth is important

Growth is the number one indicator of there being a problem in the pond. If the shrimp don’t grow, the cycle lengthens and the profit decreases. As well, each size has a different revenue, so having faster growth means getting to a size earlier, which therein saves days and increases profit. Understanding growth is critical to know when you’re going to harvest.

Tracking growth today

Shrimp producers use a variety of different methods to track the growth of shrimp in a pond, with the most common method being a weekly growth rate. The problem with this method is that it can take a long time to identify problems, as growth is measured by the difference between weights across time periods.

Many producers will look at the weekly growth, the two week growth, the four week growth, and the growth since stocking to understand trends. However, this means it takes a long time to see changes and can lead to decisions not being taken as quickly as they should be.

How xpertSea helps

Rather than relying on a lagging metric like a weekly growth rate, xpertSea has a Harvest Target functionality. Simply input a production target, such as 25g in 80 days, and xpertSea generates curves showing the ranges of green, yellow, and red weight ranges for the entire cycle. What this means, is that with a single weight monitoring and days of culture, we can show whether the pond is at a weight it should be in order to reach the production target.

Using the harvest target functionality in conjunction with the pond specific predictions, producers get an earlier signal of whether the pond is on track for their harvest plan and can intervene to improve harvest results sooner.

For more information or to bring xpertSea MAX to your farm, contact us at


Using MAX to identify and prevent sample error


Distribution throughout the cycle